“Serpent of Malice” – my next novel
My next novel ‘Serpent of Malice’ is now scheduled by the publisher for February. Since I am known to write fairly voluminous books, while Torsten Low Publishing only publishes somewhat thinner – or at least normally sized – books, the story is to be split into two parts. Well, that’s not new to me: My book ‘World Raiders’ is already…
Last reading in 2024
Yesterday was the last reading for this year. I read together with Axel Aldenhoven at the Phantastische Bibliothek Wetzlar, the one and only library in Germany where they stock all German language Fantasy+Science Fiction+Horror literature plus adventure stories for kids. Not many listeners, unfortunately. St Nicholas must have lured off our audience, since all the parents with children preferred to…
Caution! Politics! Better not read it!
An American SF author and friend of mine has asked me if I’d like to go to a major SF fantasy convention in Boston. He could get me to be one of the ‘guest authors’. However, that will be in 2026. The disadvantage: I would have to pay for the flight myself. The advantage: I could present my English-language novels…
My new Award
I love winning awards. Who doesn’t? Two weeks ago, it happened again. I gave a reading at BuCon (Book Fair Convention on Frankfurt Book Fair Saturday) and was sitting at my book table, striving to sell as many books as possible. That’s not easy. The hall is packed with writers’ stands and publishers’ booths. We all have very much in…
New books and old books
I have a new book out: “Sturmkrallen” (Storm Claws). It is the third volume of the fantasy series “Die Geheimnisse der Klingenwelt” (Secrets of the Blade World). This series was originally published by Droemer Knaur, but they suddenly didn’t want the third volume. That kind of thing happens to authors all the time. Some marketing crank thinks that something else…
Science Fiction WorldCon Glasgow
Every year, the Science Fiction WorldCon takes place somewhere in the world. This year, it was held in Glasgow. I don’t go to WorldCon, as it’s called for short, every year. It’s usually too far and too expensive – last year the event was held in China. But when it is held in Europe, you can find me there. So…
Life is not just about writing. Nor is it just about cleaning, shopping, preparing food and physiotherapy appointments. I, for example, sing. I used to write a lot of songs myself: Filk / singer-songwriter stuff / fantasy ballads. This then increasingly gave way to writing books, as if my muse were too overworked to deal with both songs and novels…
Cons and Festivals
In fantasy and science fiction, many books are sold at conventions or festivals. One reason for this is that the majority of fantasy and science fiction novels are published by small publishers who are looking for direct access to the reading public – since they are often enough ignored by the big booksellers and wholesalers of the business. Fantasy and…
My next book project
I’m currently finalising the first part of the next novel for the publisher Torsten Low, so here’s a small teaser. Working title: “Serpent of Malice” – this is subject to change Location: Cambridge The year: 1887 “Since flirting with the kitchen staff is bad style in any case…” “Never mind the kitchen staff. I saw a… lady. A young lady.…
Old friends
It’s always great when you meet up with old friends and realise that nothing has changed except the number of wrinkles on your face. I went to school with Renée. She was a year above me. One Monday morning she came to me with starry eyes. “Yesterday at church…” Her father always made her go to church each Sunday and…