Nominated for the Seraph
A hearty “Hurrah!” to all the heroes of my latest book. Ladies and gentlemen (and murderers), wandering through the dark forest – with giant wolves, evil fanatics, confused birds and dead killers for such a long time was worth the effort. I bet Magister Sutton is pouring himself a celebratory beer just now.
“Schwingen aus Stein” has made it onto the longlist!
What longlist?
Today, the “Phantastische Akademie e. V., der Verein zur Förderung deutschsprachiger, phantastischer Literatur” (= Fantasy Academy, the Association for the Promotion of German, speculative literature), announced their longlist for the this year’s SERAPH award the ceremony of which is to be held at Leipzig Book Fair in 2014.
“Schwingen aus Stein” has been nominated.