
Old friends

It’s always great when you meet up with old friends and realise that nothing has changed except the number of wrinkles on your face.

I went to school with Renée. She was a year above me. One Monday morning she came to me with starry eyes.

“Yesterday at church…” Her father always made her go to church each Sunday and she usually went to the English-language mass. As a diplomat’s daughter, she could pretty much choose her language. “…I turned round and looked into the most beautiful eyes in the world. He is the man of my life! It’s him or no one.”
She was 18, I was 17, and to be honest, I didn’t take this spontaneous declaration of love very seriously at the time. I should have done so. They got married and are still together today, decades later.

That’s quite extraordinary.
Here’s to love!


Übrigens, das Haus, in dem sp

By the way, I “stole” the house in which “World Raiders” is set. It was the huge villa that housed the consulate at the time. The consul’s family lived in the flat above. We got up to a lot of mischief there and never “did our homework together”, as we told our parents. Renée probably didn’t do much homework with the man with the most beautiful eyes in the world either, although she did manage to install H. as a private maths tutor.

I simply had to choose this villa for “World Raiders“. I have wonderful memories of it. But back then I’d never been in the basement, where – as you know from “World Raiders” – the dimensional gate is located from where dangerous sword swinging and magic wielding fiends come into our world.

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